URGENT - All appointments for today are being rescheduled or converted to telephone appointments. Please do not come to the surgery. If you have an appointment today, one of our team will contact you shortly. To keep the phone lines free for urgent issues, please do not contact the surgery today for routine matters. Thank you
Contact details
We would be very grateful if you could please confirm your contact details including your email address and are happy to share it, please let us know.
You can update your information by:
  • email us at
  • Raise an e-consult for 'administration' on our web page North Surgery, Annan
  • Write a letter or note and post it or drop it in
  • Confirm your contact details at Reception at your next appointment
e-Consult service over Christmas nad New Year
eConsult will be closed from 12 noon on 24th December until 00:00am on 27th December.
Closing again at 12:00 noon on 31st December until 00:00 on Friday 3rd January when it will return to 24/7.
Outside of these times you can raise an e-consult 24/7 but please remember, e-Consult is not for urgent or emergency help. We aim to answer your e-Consult within 48 hours Monday - Friday. e-Consult is not monitored outside of those times.
Telephone recordings
Please be aware that we record Patient telephone calls to and from the Surgery for quality and training purposes. The contents of all recordings are confidential and kept securely until they are deleted (usually once they have been added to patient notes).

Eye Problems

You can call your local optician for free NHS eye-care. Please tell the Opticians Receptionist that you have an eye problem so the Optometrist can triage you to find out when you can be examined. Different eye conditions have different priorities so you may not be seen urgently. If the eye condition is urgent you will be seen urgently. Please do not present to your GP practice as we aren't usually able to help with eye problems. Outside of opening hours please call NHS 24 on 111. There are two Independent Prescribing Optometrists who can prescribe medication to treat anterior eye conditions.

Opticians in Annan 

James Kidner Opticians, 115 High St, Annan, Tel: 01461 206868

Vision Express Opticians, 78 High St, Annan, Tel: 01461 204069

Opticians Lockerbie

John Caulfield Opticians, 77 High St, Lockerbie, Tel 01576 202733

James Kidner Opticians, 15 High St, Lockerbie, Tel 01576 203199


Visiting the Surgery

We offer e-Consult, telephone and face to face consultations, each having their own benefit and value. If you need medical help or advice please complete and e-consult by following the link below anytime or telephone the Reception team between 08:00 -18:00 Monday to Friday, who will be happy to help you.


Prescriptions can be sent to your nominated chemist but you can come to collect them from the surgery if you wish, but you need to tell us when you order your medication that you want to collect it. Sick lines will be posted or emailed to you, there is no need to come to the surgery to collect it.


We will always try to provide the best and most appropriate healthcare to you at all times but if you are unhappy with the service you have recieved, please tell us and we will do our best to make it right.


The North Surgery has been serving the Annandale community on our current site in Greencroft Wynd since 1991. We are an NHS general medical practice who offers a full range of services to around 7500 patients in Annan and the surrounding area.

Browse our Web site for more information about the Practice.

If you have any questions or would like to speak to someone regarding our services, please contact us via our eConsult system

Online Ordering of Prescriptions

You can order your prescriptions online. You need to register first with Patient Access by clicking HERE. Once registered click here to log on or you can also access appointments via the Patient Access Android or iPhone app (see Patient Access website for details).


Some medications are not available to order via Patient Access. If the medication you need does not show up then submit an admin request via eConsult by clicking here.


Please allow 72 hours before you contact your nominated Pharmacy.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

The Practice holds medical records confidentially and shares them with appropriate staff who are involved in providing direct patient care for individual patients. GDPR introduces new rules on privacy notices, as well as processing and safeguarding personal data. Click HERE for further information.

Online Asthma Reviews

If you have been asked to fill in an online asthma review then click here to find the form.

Sending Photographs

The best way to send a photopraph to us is using eConsult. When completing an eConsult you will be asked if you want to add a photo. Click here for guidance as to how to take the best quality pictures.


North Surgery

Greencroft Medical Centre

Greencroft Wynd


DG12 6GN

Contact Details

Reception: 01461 202745



Contact Us Online




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