eConsult is the most effective way to access help and advice, including telephone appointments, video consultations and face to face appointments with clinical staff from the practice. For more detailed information on how this service works go to the eConsult information page
Using this system, your query will be passed quickly to the best person to deal with it and you will receive a reply the same day or at the latest by the end of the next working day.
If you are unable to use this system yourself online, please see if a friend, carer or relative can help. We will also be able to support you if you need help. If you have no online access or a condition that makes it diffcult to use the system then you can call the surgery on 01461 202745 and one of our team will take the details from you over the phone but if you are able then please fill in the details yourself online as this keeps the phone lines free. The system is available to submit requests 24/7.
In order to register with the practice you should bring your NHS medical card. If you don’t have a medical card the receptionist will ask you to fill in a form and will offer you a registration
medical appointment. If you prefer a particular doctor e.g. female for a female patient we will note this and do our best to respect your choice. However, not all the doctors in the practice provide
all services and specific doctors may not be immediately available.
Patients are registered with the practice, not an individual GP. For administrative reasons your medical card will be issued in the name of one of the doctors; however, you can at any time express a
preference for a particular doctor and we’ll do our best to respect your choice.
Telephone for home visits between 8.30 am and 10.00 am, if possible.
When you ask for a 'house call' the duty Triage Nurse in consultation with the duty doctor usually speaks to you to assess the situation. Please come to the Surgery if at all possible and do not
phone after 6 pm, unless it is an emergency.
Patients have responsibilities too - There is no automatic right to a home visit. The medical situation is the only justification for a house call. The doctor can, and will, judge the
situation from speaking to you , and advise you if a house call or surgery visit is appropriate. If you are phoning on behalf of someone else please make sure you have full knowledge of the
Remember in the time it takes to do a house call we can see three people in the surgery so please do all you can to get into the surgery
We expect you to use the service correctly. If you put in needless calls, use wrong numbers, demand repeat prescriptions without 24 hr notice, bring extra patients to booked appointments then you
spoil the service for everyone else.
The surgery is open between 8.00 - 8.30am (telephone only) and 6.00pm. Outside of these hours responsibility for cover for urgent problems is passed to the Health Board in conjunction with NHS24.
If you feel you need assistance with an urgent medical problem out of hours then you can call the practice phone number 01461 202745 or phone NHS24 for free on 111.
A receptionist in the emergency call centre will answer your call she will either:
1. Arrange advice from a doctor or nurse
2. Invite you to attend the primary care centre in Dumfries
3. Arrange a home visit if you are too ill to visit the centre.
Transport to and from the centre is available if you cannot arrange this yourself.
More information can be found on the NHS inform website
Remember that if you need to order a prescription you can phone the repeat prescription line on 01461 206500